I feel like this is a suitable Test Post: apparently (which is to say, owing to means entirely beyond my control or comprehension) I will be attending this event later tonight.
To paraphrase the text messages I sent to deepsix and thissugarcane earlier: that sound you just heard was twenty-odd years of indie cred being revoked
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My sister came to visit me last week, which served as a good excuse to see a few touristy things around town I hadn't seen yet, like the Shoe Museum (lol I know right) and the AGO -- including their basement exhibition of 18th-20th century model ships, oh my God. The vast majority of the 18th-c. models (this one, for instance) were built by French
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As both the flist and the f-of-list have been growing somewhat of late, and as I'll probably forever be prone to the drive-by-friending impulse and it's nice to have a place to direct people: ( some points concerning this journal. )
Messages here, or to athwartships at gmail, or (best) via txt, which is probably the only one I'll actually be checking while gone. PORNOGRAPHY WELCOME, obvs.